

Jacek Nowakowski

Film and literature expert working at the Faculty of Polish Studies at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Author of books: Filmowa twórczość Andrzeja Kondratiuka (Film Work of Andrzej Kondratiuk) (Poznań 2000), W stronę raju. O literackiej i filmowej twórczości Lecha Majewskiego (Towards Paradise. About the Literary and Film Work of Lech Majewski) (Poznań 2012) and W poszukiwaniu niezależności w filmie i kulturze okresu PRL (In Search of Independence in Film and Culture of the People’s Republic of Poland) (Poznań 2019). He is interested in the mutual relations between film and other forms of art, as well as the different ways independent cinema manifests itself. Enthusiast of cinema for young viewers.