Edyta Kaszyca
Graduate of Cultural Studies at the University of Silesia in Katowice. Researcher of blues culture and author of books: Biała i czarna legenda Ryszarda Riedla (A Black and White Legend of Ryszard Riedel) and Bluestracje. Kultura bluesowa na Śląsku 1998–2011 (Bluestrations. Blues Culture in Silesia 1998–2011). Enthusiast of cinema and film, and a media educator. She has been running the Kaczątko Film Discussion Club for over a decade. In 2019, she directed her documentary debut ‘Głos zza krat’ (A Voice from behind Bars).
She started her job as project manager at KIDS Regio in April 2018. She holds an MA in Media Management and a BA in Intercultural Studies, Psychology and Economy. Prior to her work at KIDS Regio, she was an assistant at both the German Children’s Media Foundation and the German Children’s Film Association as well as research assistant at Bauhaus-University.
... Signe Zeilich-JensenShe is working as a feature film commissioner at the Netherlands Film Fund, the national agency responsible for supporting film production and film related activities in the Netherlands.
... Petri KemppinenHe is an independent film and TV consultant, working internationally with financing and development, policies and training through his company P1 Kemppinen. He evaluates content, trains professionals and consults on policies.
...Coordinator of educational projects at the Audiovisual Technology Centre in Wrocław, as well as the producer of the International Punto y Raya Festival and producer and artistic director of the International Punto y Raya Junior Festival.
... Adam DąbrowskiEnglish and Polish teacher at the Centre for Continuing Education at the Penal Facility in Płock, a member of the Association for Education of Socially Excluded Persons “Busola”.
... Hubert SkrzyńskiDirector of the Centre for Continuing Education at the Penal Facility in Płock. The founder and president of the Association for Education of Socially Excluded Persons “Busola”.
...She has been working with the Ale Kino! International Young Audience Film Festival since 1996. For nine years, she was a programmer and organiser of the international section. She’s also been a member of the selection committee for the full-length films.
... Ryszard PemperaGraduate of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, retired Polish teacher at the Sports High School No. 1 in Poznań, former methodological advisor for Polish primary and secondary school teachers, educator of the KREATOR programme.
... Jacek NowakowskiFilm and literature expert working at the Faculty of Polish Studies at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Author of books: Filmowa twórczość Andrzeja Kondratiuka (Film Work of Andrzej Kondratiuk) (Poznań 2000), W stronę raju. O literackiej i filmowej twórczości Lecha Majewskiego (Towards Paradise. About the Literary and Film Work of Lech Majewski) (Poznań 2012) and W poszukiwaniu niezależności w filmie i kulturze okresu PRL (In Search of Independence in Film and Culture of the People’s Republic of Poland) (Poznań 2019).