Ale Kino! Industry / Education Pro online
About project
Ale Kino! Industry / Education Pro online is a fringe event of Ale Kino! Festival. A meeting and discussion platform devoted to children cinema, it brings together the film and education environments.
Until recently, in our country, cinema for children and young adults, was still treated as marginal. Currently, we are witnessing a clear breakthrough. Polish feature films are back on screens, enjoying instant, considerable, growing popularity with the audience. Interest in this type of films, also when it comes to animations, is clearly growing. This trend is stimulated by numerous programmes supporting the development of young-audience-orientated cinema. We intend for Ale Kino! Festival to be an important landmark on the map of such initiatives.
Our goal is to create a common space for debate on cinema for children, bringing together filmmakers and educators. It is in this ‘commonality’ that we see the greatest value of the project. Every year, the Festival is visited by outstanding educators who combine high-class pedagogical professionalism with a genuine passion for cinema. For their students, they are true guides through the world of cinematography, who see tremendous educational and learning opportunities in experiencing cinema together with young audiences. The opportunities go far beyond stereotypical entertainment or obligatory readings. Their knowledge and experience in working with the youngest ones form an excellent basis for discussing cinema for children. This dialogue will benefit all parties: filmmakers will get a clearer image of their future audience and a real understanding of their needs and interests; teachers will have the opportunity to better acquaint themselves with the process of film creation and distribution, as well as with the people involved.
This year’s Ale Kino! Industry / Education Pro online will comprise two ‘paths’: ‘Industry Pro’ intended for the industry, and ‘Education Pro’ designed for the education sector. However, the programme is arranged in a way that gives participants a freedom of choice. They do not have to stick to the designated route but can navigate through the programme according to their interests. Some points on this map will essentially be common, fully embodying the idea of bringing together the film-making and educational environments.
Ale Kino! Industry Pro will focus on the issues of supporting the young audience cinema as well as extending its reach. We will introduce KIDS Regio, the European initiative for the development of cinema. We will recap the ‘pandemic’ autumn of film festivals of this kind. And since this year’s Platinum Goats go to the Dutch producer BosBros, we will listen to a master class lecture by the Dutch virtuoso Ben Sombogaart, a director whose way of thinking about cinema for children is perfectly in tune with the vision of Burny Bos, the head of BosBros, as evidenced by the films they have made together.
Within the framework of Ale Kino! Education Pro we will discuss online film education opportunities in this challenging reality where most schools are required to educate remotely. Analysing the map of available initiatives and projects, we will consider dilemmas, look closely at problems, but also explore optimistic paths. As always, the programme for educators will provide for a space to present interesting activities carried out by the participants themselves. This year, we will introduce a preventive project on counteracting risky behaviours among children and adolescents through film therapy. Finally, we will invite participants to Saturday morning screenings. Every year, the core value educators derive from Ale Kino! Festival lies not only in learning, mutual inspiration and sharing experiences, but also, to a large extent, in meeting like-minded enthusiasts for discussions and an exchange of opinions about films. In these challenging times, we will try to recreate this vibe in the formula of an online meeting in small groups, during which participants will be able to meet with selectors of Ale Kino! and discuss the repertoire.
Jerzy Moszkowicz, Festival Director

She started her job as project manager at KIDS Regio in April 2018. She holds an MA in Media Management and a BA in Intercultural Studies, Psychology and Economy. Prior to her work at KIDS Regio, she was an assistant at both the German Children’s Media Foundation and the German Children’s Film Association as well as research assistant at Bauhaus-University.
She is working as a feature film commissioner at the Netherlands Film Fund, the national agency responsible for supporting film production and film related activities in the Netherlands.
He is an independent film and TV consultant, working internationally with financing and development, policies and training through his company P1 Kemppinen. He evaluates content, trains professionals and consults on policies.
Coordinator of educational projects at the Audiovisual Technology Centre in Wrocław, as well as the producer of the International Punto y Raya Festival and producer and artistic director of the International Punto y Raya Junior Festival.
English and Polish teacher at the Centre for Continuing Education at the Penal Facility in Płock, a member of the Association for Education of Socially Excluded Persons “Busola”.
Director of the Centre for Continuing Education at the Penal Facility in Płock. The founder and president of the Association for Education of Socially Excluded Persons “Busola”.
Graduate of Cultural Studies at the University of Silesia in Katowice. Researcher of blues culture and author of books: Biała i czarna legenda Ryszarda Riedla (A Black and White Legend of Ryszard Riedel) and Bluestracje. Kultura bluesowa na Śląsku 1998–2011 (Bluestrations. Blues Culture in Silesia 1998–2011).
Graduate of Cultural Studies at the University of Wrocław. Organizer of film reviews and scientific conferences, mainly concerning documentaries. For many years, she coordinated the Multikino Film Academy project – a film education programme addressed to school children and youth.
Doctor of humanities, film expert and educator. Through her publications and education practice, she actively supports film education and promotes further inclusion of cinematography in culture.
She has been working with the Ale Kino! International Young Audience Film Festival since 1996. For nine years, she was a programmer and organiser of the international section. She’s also been a member of the selection committee for the full-length films.
Graduate of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, retired Polish teacher at the Sports High School No. 1 in Poznań, former methodological advisor for Polish primary and secondary school teachers, educator of the KREATOR programme.
Film and literature expert working at the Faculty of Polish Studies at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Author of books: Filmowa twórczość Andrzeja Kondratiuka (Film Work of Andrzej Kondratiuk) (Poznań 2000), W stronę raju. O literackiej i filmowej twórczości Lecha Majewskiego (Towards Paradise. About the Literary and Film Work of Lech Majewski) (Poznań 2012) and W poszukiwaniu niezależności w filmie i kulturze okresu PRL (In Search of Independence in Film and Culture of the People’s Republic of Poland) (Poznań 2019).
Film and music critic. Vice-chairman of the Writing Circle of the Polish Filmmakers Association, Polish section of FIPRESCI (International Federation of Film Critics). Selector and juror at a number of film festivals. Artistic director of Tarnów Film Award.
The programme of Ale Kino! Industry / Education Pro online is aimed at two groups of participants:
- events marked with the abbreviation (IND) are mainly addressed to representatives of the film industry,
- events marked with the abbreviation (EDU) are mainly addressed to representatives of the education sector.
Still, we encourage both groups of participants to take part in all events featured in the programme.
Meetings will be held online via Zoom – links to each event will be provided.
Meetings will be held in Polish or English. The language is indicated in the description of each session.
Wednesday, 2 December 2020
6:00–6:45 p.m. (IND/ENG)
WEIMAR DECLARATION: TEATIME with Signe Zeilich-Jensen and Petri Kemppinen
Signe Zeilich-Jensen, commissioning editor, Netherlands Film Fund
Petri Kemppinen, independent film and television consultant working with the Finnish Film Foundation and the Swedish Film Institute, among others
Anne Schultka, KIDS Regio project manager
Moderator: Jerzy Moszkowicz
7:00–9:00 p.m. (IND/ENG)
Session under the auspices of the European Children’s Film Association ECFA
Margret Albers, president of ECFA
Julia Jarl, BUFF International Film Festival
Mariella Harpelunde Jensen, Buster Copenhagen International Film Festival for Children and Youth
Markéta Pášmová, Zlín Film Festival
Judita Soukupova, Juniorfilmfest
Michael Harbauer, Schlingel International Film Festival
Maciej Jakubczyk, Kino Dzieci (Kids Kino) International Film Festival
Dimitris Spyrou, Olympia International Film Festival for Children
Mike Tait, Discovery – Scotland’s International Film Festival for Young Audiences
and others.
Moderator: Jerzy Moszkowicz
9:00–9:15 p.m. (IND/ENG)
Thursday, 3 December 2020
4:00–5:30 p.m. (EDU/PL)
A handful of comments and examples and a subjective review of the proposals available online.
dr Jadwiga Mostowska, Central Film Education Office, Łódź
Moderator: dr Adam Domalewski
5:30–6:00 p.m. (EDU/PL)
Ideas and inspirations for online classes.
Agnieszka Szarmach, Monika Łuszpak-Skiba, Audiovisual Technology Centre, Wrocław
Moderator: dr Adam Domalewski
6:30–7:15 p.m. (IND/EDU/ENG translated into PL)
Ben Sombogaart, film director and creator of films presented at the Ale Kino! Festival, among others ‘The Penknife’, ‘The Boy Who Stopped Talking’, ‘The Flying Liftboy’, ‘Miss Minoes’, ‘Tow Truck Pluck’
Moderator: Jerzy Moszkowicz
Friday, 4 December 2020
4:00–5:30 p.m. (EDU/PL)
Presentation of a preventive project on counteracting risky behaviours among children and adolescents through film therapy.
Edyta Kaszyca, the author of the project, Youth Palace in Katowice
Hubert Skrzyński, the director of the Centre for Continuing Education at the Penal Facility in Płock as well as the founder and president of the Association for Education of Socially Excluded Persons “Busola”.
Adam Dąbrowski, an English and Polish teacher at the Centre for Continuing Education at the Penal Facility in Płock, a member of the Association for Education of Socially Excluded Persons “Busola”.
Moderator: dr Adam Domalewski
6:00–8:45 p.m. (IND/EDU/PL translated into EN )
Discussion with teachers and creators presenting their future films.
Jacek Bławut, Tomasz Dettloff, Marta Filipiak, Magdalena Nieć, Mariusz Palej
Moderator: Jerzy Moszkowicz
Saturday, 5 December 2020
11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. (EDU/PL)
Meeting with the selectors of the Ale Kino! Festival: Jerzy Armata, Jacek Nowakowski, Ryszard Pempera, Joanna Szalbierz-Kędzierska
contact (Education PRO)
Agnieszka Krajewska,, 61-64-64-478contact (Industry PRO)
Tatiana Kauczor,
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